We want you to get the legal advice and representation you deserve.

Transforming family law practice.

At Flow Family Law, we strive to practice law in a way that aligns with our personal values of integrity, authenticity, and inclusivity. Family law issues are inherently emotional. We meet our clients wherever they are in the flow of life and approach their issues with mindfulness and compassion. 

In order to be able to give each client the time and attention they deserve, we restrict the number of clients that we take on. We understand that your family law issue is likely the most important concern in your life and we treat it that way.

A modern approach

We are focussed on helping our clients reach negotiated settlements whenever possible, rather than rushing into court. This can be achieved through direct negotiation between lawyers, entering into a collaborative participation agreement, or attending mediation. It is our experience that clients who are able to negotiate a settlement spend less money on legal fees and are happier with their results than clients who leave it up to a court to decide their outcomes.  

We have a thorough understanding of family law in British Columbia with over ten years of experience. With exceptional legal skills, practical knowledge, and professional integrity, Flow Family Law works hard to help you to find the best solution for your unique circumstances. 

Get started with Flow, today.